DJ Soda Plastic Surgery

DJ Soda Plastic Surgery Before and After Rumor


Natural beauty is hard to find in Korea. Almost all Korean lady has undergone plastic surgery. Recently DJ Soda has rumored gone under the kitchen to improve her appearance. DJ Soda is the sexy and hot Korean DJ who has many fans that spreading in the world. Most of them believed that she’s not natural. The possible plastic surgery of her are nose job (rhinoplasty) and double eyelid surgery and maybe cheek surgery.

DJ Soda plastic surgery sign seen in her before and after pictures that spreading in internet and some forums. In the pictures clearly seen that she has changed.

DJ Soda Plastic Surgery
DJ Soda Plastic Surgery Before and After

First plastic surgery rumor of DJ Soda is nose job or also familiar as rhinoplasty. Nose job surgery works good on the sexy DJ. It’s help her to improve the nose structure. Beside nose job, DJ Soda also rumored has done for double eyelid surgery and cheek surgery.

Like the other Korean stars, DJ Soda also rumored has done for blepharoplasty to make her eyes looks bigger. In recent pictures shown that her eyes looks bigger and opener than before. Cheek surgery also seen in newer pictures. Seen that her face looks more oval now. Seems that she lost a lot of cheek. And what do you think about DJ Soda plastic surgery? Please give your comment bellow.

Plastic Surgery

Which plastic surgery procedures have DJ Soda done? Below we have compiled a list of all known facts about the stars beauty enhancements:

DJ Soda – Plastic Surgery
Nose JobYes
Boob JobN/A
Breast ReductionN/A
Butt ImplantsN/A
Butt LiftN/A
Eyelid SurgeryN/A